Smell This - As Part of Your Home Entertainment System That Is!

Yes, you probably know me to be an advocate of the futuristic home entertainment living room center. And entertainment center which takes all the best technologies such as 3-D, holographic imagery, Surround-A-Sound acoustics, and puts the individual viewer in an immersion situation. Not only for movies, but also for gaming, music videos, and even surfing the Internet as a virtual person in augmented reality within your own living room.
If you think this isn't possible, then perhaps you are not looking ahead at the current technologies all converging at once into a living room near you. And I'd like to go one step further and explain a new technology, well actually it's an old technology, but it is here now. It is a system which takes various chemicals and combines them in ways that can create thousands of different smells. That's right not only will you have perfect acoustics, and holographic imagery, but you will also have a sense of smell.
There was an interesting article recently in GizMag Online News titled; "Practical 'Smell-o-Vision' system being developed" by Paul Ridden published on June 21, 2011. Paul peers into the future and makes a few very interesting points in that piece. The article stated;
"So far as television goes, we're pretty spoiled these days. We can now watch in 3D if we want to, on a screen that is far too big for the once traditional corner-of-the-room placement, and we can also listen to heart-stopping surround sound audio - but there's still more sensory enjoyment to come. Researchers have now managed to create a proof of concept Smell-o-Vision device potentially capable of pumping out thousands of different odors, yet small enough to fit behind a TV."
Imagine you are watching a scene in a movie where people are walking through a field of strawberries, all the suddenly your living room will smell like a strawberry patch, pretty cool isn't it. Now imagine you are crawling through the sewer system under New York City - no don't do that, don't imagine that, because you really don't want that smell in your living room do you. But it's nice to know you could if you wanted it - I guess?
Nevertheless, you can imagine all the possibilities, and how this will change the way entertainment interacts with your home living room entertainment system in the future. The reason I bring this up is that future is now, and by about mid-2012 these systems will be available. I only ask will you be buying one?
Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes writing 23,850 articles by July 4, 2011 is going to be difficult because all the letters on his keyboard are now worn off now..